pavel shappo • gamecocks

Raising huge clouds of dust, dozens of automobiles rushed with a wheelspin into asmall square, nervously signaling to each other with headlights and horns…
The dust gradually lay down. Rather sullen hard-boiled men started to take strangeflat baskets out of each car with care and love. Beautiful ginger, black and whitefeathers sticking out of them proclaimed that there were cocks inside…

Strong suntanned hands gently took the cocks out of their narrow straw shelters.

Somebody was already drawing a circle or accepting bets, a very sharp blade was attached to each bird’s left leg…
Yesterday’s winnersspread their wings before today’s fight… The cocks werepaired up… Bets rained down…

Blades easily entered flesh… Supporters' shouting drowned out all other sounds. Blood fell thick on the white sand.

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